The Couples ministry

We have an ever growing number of challenges for today’s parents. They not only tend and provide for their growing active kids, but also care and work in the in- school/after school activities. The parental plate seems to be forever full. In light of this, we consult biblical counsel to develop unity and teamwork.  In Ephesians 5:22-25 the bible admonishes wives to submit to their husbands just like unto the Lord. Husbands are also asked to love their wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her. This biblical based principal enhances harmony in the husband wife relationship.   

The ECC Couples’ Fellowship objectives are tailored to address all rounded issues that affect family unity and team work in general.  Our ministry comprise of younger and older couples. This mix is beneficial in offering advice, counsel and information by either group. Most importantly, this fellowship brings families to God as the main focus.

 We have a gathering once a quarter. We pray, praise and worship, hold discussions and share the word among ourselves or through a guest speaker. We may occasionally also watch a DVD. During the meetings, we provide for child care so that parents can participate without being distracted.