Timothy 4:12

Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.

In Jeremiah 1:7, Jeremiah thought he was too young and inexperienced to work for God, but The Lord reminded him “Do not say, ‘I am only a youth’; for to all and to whom I send you, you shall go, and whatever I command you, you shall speak”. No matter your background or what you have done, God can transform and work with you. Be grateful for your youth. You qualify to work and partner with God. At ECC, our young adults ministry is based on the transforming them by the power of God’s Word. The Young Adult Ministry serves to develop fellowship for those post-high school through age 26 as they explore how to integrate their faith into their lives and through life’s many challenges. This ministry strives to empower and strengthen them to make Christ-focused decisions in educational, career and relationship objectives as we actively engage in the Pursuit of God. The team meets once monthly, currently we are meeting on ECC zoom forum due the prevailing COVID-19 pandemic.