God Never Stops Watching Over You

I love the lines in the song ‘miracle worker’ by Sinach, that ‘even when I don’t see it, You’re working, even when I can’t feel it, You’re working, You never stop, You never stop working’, Last  Friday evening, I experienced the power of those words, that God is still at work in and for us regardless of our awareness. I had just completed a visit to my doctor where I had gone for routine annual physicals. It was a chilly day in Dallas, Texas. I couldn’t wait to jump back into my car and head home after being in the clinic for about two hours. As soon as I got to the car, I noticed I didn’t my car keys and thought I had left them at the clinic. Quickly, I run back into the building as it was almost 5 o’clock and they were about to close. The keys were neither by the seat I had sat on nor had anyone turned them to the receptionist. I rechecked my pockets again almost now for the tenth time as I dashed back toward my car.  As I peeped through the passenger side window, there lay my keys by the glove compartment.  Many thoughts crossed my mind. I called my wife to alert her about what was going on and to ask if she could text me our car insurance contact so I could call for assistance. As I hang up the phone with her, an elderly man with a big bag of long tools in his hand approached me and he said “Don’t worry I’ll get it opened for you”. I couldn’t believe what was happening. It was now getting dark and very chilly and people were quickly driving off from their offices. I noticed that I had seen this man inside the clinic. He must have been the last one to have his physicals done. The Bibles says

‘fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand’ Isaiah 41: 10.

At that moment, I recalled helping strangers in many occasions from different places and I thought, maybe God is paying me back. Now, whether that is the case or not, one thing I’m convinced about, is that God never stops working to protect, provide, care, and… fill in the blank. No matter how bad the situation may be, be assured that He is aware of your situation and He will rescue you. It wasn’t a coincidence that an elderly man, the last to be served in the clinic would have the right tools needed at a very moment of my need. He finally got the door opened, thanked him, tipped him with a $20.00, the only cash I had, and off I drove. I couldn’t help but thank God for his provision and to be reminded that He’s watching over us at all times. God is right now watching over you. He is able!